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Nuestros Evangelios de Juan
y otros recursos impresos

Detalle del Producto

Todos los Evangelios de bolsillo incluyen el libro de Juan complete, mas informaciones sobre como tener una relación personal con Jesus.

The Journey Home

Pocos en inventario. Haga su pedido ahora para evitar decepción.


Nota: La cantidad puede cambiar en el checkout.

Evangelio Espec:


Dimensiones (cerradas):
3.75" W x 5.25" H

Dimensiones (abiertas):
7.5" W x 5.25" H


English Standard Version

Pocos en inventario. Haga su pedido ahora para evitar decepción.


Nota: La cantidad puede cambiar en el checkout.

Evangelio Espec:


Dimensiones (cerradas):
3.75" W x 5.25" H

Dimensiones (abiertas):
7.5" W x 5.25" H


English Standard Version

Sobre esto Evangelio:

This peace-filled Pocket Gospel is a soothing way to share God's Word that leads us home to Him. Our forever home. For most, home is a place of comfort, peace, and safety. The Gospel provides each of us an eternal home that is waiting on us now. A place to dwell with Jesus forever, at home.

Share Jesus in His own words. These pocket Gospels are a great alternative to Gospel tracts because it's 100% the Word of God using the actual text from Scripture. Each Gospel includes the full Gospel of John and a plan of Salvation with a response page. A QR code on the back provides a quick link to learn more about God.

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Share this peaceful Gospel cover with those who need to find a way home. Share this Promise of a forever home with those who need to know.

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