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Nuestros Evangelios de Juan
y otros recursos impresos

Detalle del Producto

Todos los Evangelios de bolsillo incluyen el libro de Juan complete, mas informaciones sobre como tener una relación personal con Jesus.

What am I Missing?

Este artículo esta fuera de inventario actualmente.

Hacemos re-impresiones regularmente; por favor verifique mas tarde.

Evangelio Espec:


Dimensiones (cerradas):
3.75" W x 5.25" H

Dimensiones (abiertas):
7.5" W x 5.25" H


New International Version

Este artículo esta fuera de inventario actualmente.

Hacemos re-impresiones regularmente; por favor verifique mas tarde.

Evangelio Espec:


Dimensiones (cerradas):
3.75" W x 5.25" H

Dimensiones (abiertas):
7.5" W x 5.25" H


New International Version

Sobre esto Evangelio:

Do you know someone who has been searching for the missing piece of their life? Maybe they have expressed that they can't find their purpose or have lost hope. Share this thoughtful Gospel cover with them and introduce them to the answer to it all--Jesus! By sharing a pocket-sized Gospel, you can help them find that a relationship with God is what they have been missing!

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